Thank you for joining us again for more about color psychology. Previously we’ve touched on green, blue, purple, and pink. Today we wanted to dive into four additional warming colors. 


Red has a variety of feelings that it conveys. Some of the natural associations include romance (hello Valentine’s Day) in addition to brave and bold, which is why red is often used by politicians and or individuals that are trying to convey they are brave and bold. Red is very attention grabbing and is why it was chosen for stop signs and lights. Another big feeling that red conveys is that of hunger, which is why it’s often used in restaurants. If you are refreshing a restaurant, hotel, or recruitment office, red might be a great choice for you. 


Orange is a gorgeous color that you often can’t fight smiling when you see it. Orange is naturally and psychologically linked to cheerful, energetic, playful, and friendly feelings in addition to warmth. This enthusiastic color screams excitement and high energy, that’s why a lot of sports teams use it in their uniforms and for their mascots. Orange is a great color for anywhere kids are involved, pediatricians offices, preschools, daycares, playgrounds, you name it! 


Yellow and orange have quite a bit in common. Yellow portrays warmth, sunny, happiness, positivity, and clarity. Warmth and sunny naturally make sense, which is why yellow is a great color to use anywhere that you want to remind people of the outside. Happiness, positivity, and clarity are great emotions to portray in areas where people might need to remember the positive side of things, and stay optimistic such as a therapist’s or doctor’s office. 


The final color we’re touching on today is brown. Naturally, brown makes people think of earthy, organic, stable, and natural, due to its abundance throughout the outdoors. This color promotes safety and security which are feelings everyone can appreciate. Brown would be a great choice in produce sections in grocery stores, any outdoor spaces, or places where you want people to go back to the basics. 

What is something new you learned about colors with this post? When it comes to painting your business, call Mountain Valley Painting! We’re here to make your vision come to life. 801.865.9987