Do you have a basic builders mirror in desperate need of an upgrade? Fancy mirrors can cost a good chunk of change and require people entering your home. However, you can upgrade the builders mirror yourself for a small amount of money and an afternoon! Let us show you how.

Materials needed:

(4) 1x4s cut at 45 degree angles to lock into place, cut at the length correct for your mirror
Wood stain or paint
Liquid nails
Brad nailer and nails


  1. Measure your mirror and boards. You will want the 1x4s to hang over onto the mirror about 1-2 inches in all directions. Cut the boards accordingly.
  2. Stain/paint the 1x4s the color you want for your bathroom, let it dry.
  3. Fit the boards together, secure them with brad nails.
  4. Apply liquid nails to the back of the frame where it will overlap with the mirror. Secure the frame to the mirror.
  5. Keep pressure on the frame until the liquid nails dry.
  6. Enjoy the brand new look!


For all of your commercial painting needs, give Mountain Valley Painting a call today!





Picture Courtesy of the Austin Family